Learn About Our Website Redesign

In order to better share timely, relevant information in a clear, easy-to-use way, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has redesigned its public website.

This redesigned website presents a more engaging and accessible experience of the New York Fed’s activities, tools and information. Here are some ways to jump-start that experience:

Data, Now a One-Stop Shop

The new Data & Statistics section – one click from any New York Fed page – pulls together the Bank’s robust data collections and analyses into one place. There you’ll find our Economic Indicators Calendar as well as several data sets relating to our markets operations. We also are debuting our Regional Data Center. Focused on communities in the Second District, it includes data sets and surveys organized by topic – employment, household credit and education funding, for example – or geographic area.

A New Navigational Structure

The redesigned website also includes a new navigational structure that clearly identifies the core functions of the New York Fed.

As part of that change, what was the Banking section of our website is now organized into two separate areas: Financial Institution Supervision and Financial Services & Infrastructure. These sections highlight two major responsibilities of the New York Fed: supervising and regulating depository institutions and promoting sound and well-functioning financial systems and markets, both here and abroad. The Financial Institution Supervision section provides details on how the New York Fed oversees financial firms as well as the forms, instructions and other information related to regulatory and statistical reporting for those firms. The Financial Services & Infrastructure section includes information about services available to U.S. banks and international monetary authorities. The section also includes material on financial reform efforts, including those in the tri-party repo market.

Another change is the combining of the Regional Outreach and Education sections into one. This new section will provide information on the New York Fed’s activities in the region, including President Dudley’s visits to communities in the Second District, research on local small businesses, educational material and tours of the museum. Outreach & Education also includes lists of past and future engagements, as well as information on how to participate in similar upcoming events.

Stay in Touch

The redesigned website also makes it easier to stay in touch with the New York Fed. Every page now includes links to our social media channels, including Twitter and YouTube. There is also a link to sign up for emails alerts for future announcements.

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