FMLG Financial Markets Lawyers Group FMLG FXC
The Financial Markets Lawyers Group ceased operations in February 2022. As of that time, this website is no longer being updated.


Sarah Ashkenazi
Director and Assistant General Counsel
Bank of America

James Brown

Martha Burke
Assistant General Counsel and Director
MUFG Americas

Maria Douvas-Orme
Managing Director
Morgan Stanley

Chinedu Ezetah
Director and Associate General Counsel
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.

Terence Filewych
Senior Counsel
Wells Fargo

Amelia Kaufman
Counsel, Global Trading Group
Blackrock Financial Management

Jill Hurwitz, Treasurer
Director and Senior Counsel
Deutsche Bank

Robert F. Klein
Managing Director and Counsel
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.

Matthew Lillvis
Deputy General Counsel
Millennium Management LLC

Nancy Rigby
Vice President and Assistant General Counsel
U.S. Bank

Jeffrey Saxon
Managing Director
BNP Paribas

Lisa A. Shemie
General Counsel
OANDA Global Corporation

David A. Trapani
Executive Director and Head of New York Legal
CLS Bank International

James Wallin
Senior Vice President

Federal Reserve Bank of New York Members

James Bergin, Chair
Deputy General Counsel and Senior Vice President
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Thomas Noone, Secretary
Counsel and Assistant Vice President
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Sanja Peros, Secretary, Foreign Exchange Committee
Policy and Market Analysis Senior Associate
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Quick Links
FMLG ISDA Protocol Statement pdf
Articles of Association pdf
Antitrust Guidelines pdf
FX Global Code May 2017  
2021 Meeting Dates pdf