Repo Securities Schedule

The schedule below contains the securities eligible for Temporary Open Market Operation Repurchase Agreements (repos) and applicable margins. The New York Fed may periodically make changes to the schedule of eligible securities and applicable margins and, accordingly, this schedule is subject to change. This schedule may be periodically updated without notice and is not binding on the New York Fed in any particular transaction.

Direct obligations of the U.S. Treasury
Security Type Margin Percentage2
Bills 101%
  Up to and including 10 years remaining maturity Greater than 10 and up to and including 30 years remaining maturity
Notes and Bonds (excluding Inflation-Indexed Securities) 102% 103%
Inflation-Indexed Securities 103% 106%
  Up to and including 10 years remaining maturity Greater than 10 and up to and including 20 years remaining maturity Greater than 20 and up to and including 30 years remaining maturity
STRIPS (including STRIPS of Inflation-Indexed Securities) 104% 107% 111%
Direct obligations of the following federally related entities:
  • Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac);
  • Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation (Farm Credit System);
  • Federal Home Loan Bank System;
  • Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac);
  • Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae);
  • Financing Corporation (FICO);
  • Resolution Funding Corporation (REFCO);
  • Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA); or
  • Tennessee Valley Authority
Security Type Margin Percentage2
Discount Notes 103%
  Up to and including 10 years remaining maturity Greater than 10 and up to and including 30 years remaining maturity
Fixed and Floating Rate Debentures 103% 106%
Interest and Principal Strips 103% 106%
Mortgage-backed Securities Issued and/or Fully Guaranteed by the Following Entities3:
  • Government National Mortgage Associate (Ginnie Mae);
  • Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac); or
  • Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae);
Security Type Margin Percentage2
  Up to and including 15 years remaining maturity Greater than 15 and up to and including 30 years remaining maturity
Single-Family, Fixed-Rate Pass-Through Securities 103% 103%
Single-Family, Adjustable-Rate Pass-Through Securities 103% 103%

1 Securities that mature the next day are eligible for repo operations. Under triparty service provider operating procedures, securities that are not transferable on the Fedwire® Securities Service are not maintained on triparty systems and are not eligible for repo transactions.
2 Margin percentages are calculated by dividing the value of the eligible securities pledged by the purchase price.
3 This category excludes STRIPS, Interest only passthroughs, principal only passthroughs, and REMICS/Collateralized mortgage obligations.
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