NEW YORK—The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will hold a press briefing on the regional labor market on Wednesday, May 21 at 10 a.m. At the briefing, New York Fed economists will provide an update on the jobs recovery in the region, and discuss how recent employment gains have been concentrated in lower and higher skilled sectors, while the share of workers in the middle-skilled jobs has continued to shrink.
New York Fed economists will also provide information and insight on the recent economic performance of the Second District, which includes New York State, northern New Jersey, Fairfield County and Puerto Rico.
New York Fed President William C. Dudley will begin the briefing with remarks about regional economic conditions and the kinds of jobs created during the recovery. President Dudley and staff will answer questions after the presentations.
To request a copy of the material under embargo and RSVP for the event, please contact Kevin Sajdak at or Eric Pajonk at
Media must register by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20 and bring valid photo identification for entry. Members of the media located outside New York City can participate via Webcast..
What Kinds of Jobs Have Been Created During the Recovery?

Remarks by President Dudley »
Time and Location:
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Journalists may arrive at 9:00 a.m.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY