NOTE: If you are looking to contact the Federal Reserve Bank of New York directly, visit our Contacts page.
BE AWARE: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is NOT involved in any federal grant program. We urge the public to remain alert to fraudulent scams involving individuals who purport to be employees of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York does not maintain grant money or any other type of funds/accounts for individuals.
Also, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will never contact the public via unsolicited phone calls or emails asking for money or any other type of personal information.
Other Fraud-related Complaints
You may file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), the nation's consumer protection agency, which collects complaints about companies, business practices, identity theft, and government grant scams. The FTC enters all complaints it receives into Consumer Sentinel, a secure online database that is used by thousands of civil and criminal law enforcement authorities worldwide.
You can submit your report either of these two ways:
via the FTC Website:
or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357)
For more information, visit our Warnings from Other Authorities page.
To file a complaint, you can:
- File online
- Call toll-free at 888-851-1920 (TTY: 877-766-8533) 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. CST
Cómo puede un consumidor presentar una queja acerca de un banco
Submit a report to the FRBNY Integrity Hotline via the website or call 1-877-52-FRBNY (1-877-52-37269) and the matter will be reported to the appropriate channels. The FRBNY Hotline is administered by a third-party vendor to ensure the anonymity of those who choose to remain anonymous.