Press Release
Nonprime Mortgage Conditions Data for New York and New Jersey
November 30, 2007

NEW YORK—The Federal Reserve Bank of New York today released an initial set of data drawn from the LoanPerformance ABS Loan Level Data Set describing securitized subprime and alt-A mortgage loans in the Second Federal Reserve District. The Bank expects this data to help community groups and policymakers in the Second District to better understand, monitor and address conditions related to nonprime mortgages, delinquencies and foreclosures. While we do not have firm dates set, we plan to update the data monthly.

The nonprime loans covered are subdivided into fixed rate mortgages, adjustable rate mortgages and other mortgages. Further details include the number of mortgage loans in each category, their percentage of all home mortgages in the area and average loan-to-value ratios. These details and more are developed for five geographic areas: the United States (based on a random one percent sample), New York State, New York City, New Jersey and Newark.

For more details, see the link below for an overview of the LoanPerformance ABS Loan Level Database, technical appendix and the data tables.

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Subprime and Alt-A Mortgage Conditions in the Second District ››

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