Leading the Way: A Greater Rochester Workforce Development Video Campaign challenges teams of high school students from local P-TECH schools to create 30-second videos to serve as public service announcements detailing skills required to work in industries that are currently hiring.

Wayne Finger Lakes P-TECH

Western New York Tech Academy

Wayne Finger Lakes P-TECH

P-TECH Rochester

P-TECH Rochester

Wayne Finger Lakes P-TECH
Students from Wayne Finger Lakes P-TECH, P-TECH Rochester and Western New York Tech Academy submitted 47 videos as part of the campaign. This pool was narrowed to the top nine finalists, which will be announced at the ceremony. The nine finalists videos—three from each of the participating schools—will be shown and scored live by a panel of judges during the ceremony at Golisano Auditorium at Rochester Institute of Technology.
Prizes include:
- 1st Place Winner: The team will have their video shown in movie theaters in the Greater Rochester region.
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Winners: The teams will receive laptops, generously provided by the Farash Foundation.
- 4th-9th Place Winners: The teams will receive cash prizes, generously provided by the Rochester Area Community Foundation and the Great Rochester Chamber of Commerce.
Download the event program for more details.
Dinner and registration: 5:30 p.m.
Awards ceremony: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Rochester Institute of Technology
1 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623
Our sponsors include Farash Foundation, Rochester Area Community Foundation and Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce.
Our industry partners include Finger Lakes Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise (FAME), Lenel Systems International-United Technologies Corporation, Liberty Pumps, Optimax Systems Inc. and University of Rochester.
This year’s campaign drew submissions from three P-TECH schools in the Greater Rochester Area—Wayne Finger Lakes P-TECH, P-TECH Rochester and Western New York Tech Academy. Videos were required to highlight one technical skill associated with a P-TECH career pathway (such as designing and implementing computer network systems, as needed in the information technology industry) and two professional skills (such as personal traits or group experience) in a 30-second segment. See the “Submission Requirements” section below for further details on requirements for submissions.
The videos serve as a peer-to-peer learning tool and will also serve as public service announcements. Through the video campaign, students help raise awareness about the type of career opportunities available in the Greater Rochester region.
The P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) model is a 6-year program (covering grades 9-14) that focuses on career readiness and involves a partnership between at least one school district, college and employer—making up a “P-TECH school.” Students who complete the program receive a high school diploma and an associate college degree at no cost. The program includes comprehensive training in science, technology, engineering and math, as well as access to industry mentors, with the goal of providing a pathway to full-time employment after graduation.
Students may form into teams of three and each student may only be part of one team. Students may act in each other’s video and do not need to be part of the team. However, all students participating in the competition on a team or acting in a video must complete the permission forms.
All participating students must sign the Submission Waiver and Release Form. A parent or legal guardian must sign a Parent Release Form and a Participant Release Form. Submission forms will be provided to your teacher.
Student participation packets, which provide more details about the campaign, including rules, requirements, and prizes, are below: