Data and Indicators

The Research and Statistics Group provides the following links to online sources of economic data produced by the New York Fed and other Reserve Banks.
Key Data from the New York Fed
Corporate Bond Market Distress Index (CMDI)
The CMDI is a summary metric of corporate bond market functioning based on information from multiple sources including measures of primary market issuance and pricing, secondary market pricing and liquidity conditions, and the relative pricing between traded and nontraded bonds. It updates monthly.
Business Leaders Survey
A monthly survey of service firms in New York State, northern New Jersey and southwestern Connecticut, conducted by the New York Fed.
Empire State Manufacturing Survey
A monthly survey of manufacturers in New York State, conducted by the New York Fed.
Regional Business Surveys: Special Topics
Summary of responses to topical questions from the Empire State Manufacturing Survey and the Business Leaders Survey.
Regional Employment Trends
This web feature tracks employment in state and metro regions in the Federal Reserve’s Second District, utilizing the New York Fed’s early benchmarks of payroll employment data. It updates monthly.
Early Benchmarked Employment Data
Monthly releases of early benchmarked employment figures for New York State, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as the metropolitan areas in New York and Northern New Jersey.
Applied Macroeconomics and Econometrics Center
Applied Macroeconomics and Econometrics Center
The mission of the Applied Macroeconomics and Econometrics Center (AMEC) is to provide intellectual leadership in the central banking community in the fields of macro and applied econometrics.

Data Releases
Global Supply Chain Pressure Index
(Updated: Monthly)

Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest
(Updated: Quarterly)

Multivariate Core Trend Inflation
(Updated: Monthly)

The New York Fed DSGE Model
(Updated: Quarterly)
New York Fed Staff Nowcast
(Updated: Weekly)
(Updated: Monthly)

Treasury Term Premia
(Updated: Daily)

Yield Curve as a Leading Indicator
(Updated: Monthly)
Center for Microeconomic Data
The Center for Microeconomic Data
The Center for Microeconomic Data offers wide-ranging data and analysis on the finances and economic expectations of U.S. households.
Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit
Analysis of trends in U.S. consumers' borrowing and indebtedness, based on the New York Fed Consumer Credit Panel, a unique longitudinal data set. Reports are available from 2010 through the present.
Survey of Consumer Expectations
A monthly survey of consumer expectations regarding inflation, future earnings, household income, house prices, access to credit, layoff risk, and U.S. economic conditions overall.
Quarterly Trends for Consolidated U.S. Banking Organizations
Quarterly report tracking the consolidated financial condition of the U.S. commercial banking industry, including aggregate trends in profitability, assets, capital, and other key variables.
Dynamic Data and Maps from the New York Fed
The Labor Market for Recent College Graduates
This interactive web feature presents a wide range of job market metrics for recent college graduates, including trends in unemployment rates, underemployment rates, and wages. Data are updated regularly and available for download.
For-Profits in the Higher Education Landscape
Interactive maps and charts shed light on the unprecedented growth, market share, student loans, tuition pricing, federal grants, and more for for-profit higher education institutions.
School Finances in the Region
A series of interactive maps tracks school funding and expenditures in New York and New Jersey, revealing a wide variability in finances across districts and over time.
Student Loan Debt History
Interactive graphics tracking student loan borrowing and delinquency rates by age group and over time.
Change in Home Prices
Maps showing percentage changes in home prices from a year earlier for nearly 1,200 counties using CoreLogic data. With video sequence of these changes since 2003.
The Labor Market in Recession and Recovery
Charts, depicting the interplay between the unemployment rate, the labor force participation rate, and the employment-to-population ratio over five recent recessions. Data are available by gender and age group.
Tools and Indicators from the New York Fed
Economic Indicators Calendar
A calendar showing the date and time of key economic data releases. Links to data sources are provided when available.
Reserve Demand Elasticity (RDE)
RDE estimates provide a quantitative measure of the ampleness of reserves in the U.S. banking system in real time. New data are published monthly.
Equitable Growth Indicators
A measure of disparities across four economic outcomes—inflation, real and nominal earnings, employment, and real and nominal consumer spending.
Regional Economy
Current economic data covering the Second District and local areas in New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The Blackbook, which represents our main pre-FOMC briefing document to the Bank president, includes the Research staff’s policy recommendation for the coming FOMC meeting.
Banking Research Data Sets
A New York Fed data set documenting historical linkages between regulatory entity codes and Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) PERMCOs for publicly traded banks and bank holding companies. Useful for researchers needing to match market data and regulatory data.
From Other Reserve Banks
FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) offsite
A database developed by the St. Louis Fed that consists of more than 213,000 U.S. and international economic time series. Users can download and interact with the data.
Real-Time Data Set for Macroeconomists offsite
A data set developed by the Philadelphia Fed that consists of vintages, or snapshots, of time series of major macroeconomic variables.
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